12 Surprising Things to Pack for Aruba to Make Your Vacation Epic

Surprising Things to Pack for Aruba

Before jetting off on your vacation, you’ll want to read through this list of the most surprising items to pack for Aruba. We’re going beyond the standard swimsuits and sundresses found in our what to wear in Aruba article to show you the items repeat visitors swear by and first time visitors often miss.

These items might not make your packing list for Aruba, but if they do, they will make your vacation one you’ll never forget. We’re talking maximum relaxation and convenience all while hedging your bets to avoid trip ruining sunburns or theft.

Let’s take a look at these surprising Aruba essentials so you can pack like a pro and be on your way!

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Beach and Sun Protection

Aruba has the most sunny days of any Caribbean Island but with that comes great responsibility. You need to protect yourself from the sun and rocky shores that await you. After all, you’re going to want to spend all of your time outside!

These three essential items for Aruba will keep you well protected while you enjoy the beaches, both on the sand and in the water.

1. Reef Safe Sunscreen

With Aruba’s tropical climate, sun protection is critical. Protect both yourself and the ocean’s ecosystems with reef-safe sunscreen brands like Sun Bum, Blue Lizard, or the locally crafted Aruba Aloe. Reef-safe sunscreen is not only made without some of the harmful chemicals found in most sunscreens, but it’s also a requirement by the government of Aruba.

This does not mean someone at the airport is going to go through your bags looking for contraband sunscreen, but you should still do your part to protect the marine environment on the island. It’s part of what makes the coral reefs and marine life in Aruba so spectacular.

Want to learn more? Check out the Best Reef-Safe Sunscreen for Aruba.

2. Water Shoes

Many of Aruba’s beaches offer silky smooth white sand. However, if you want to go snorkeling, you’ll want to head to beaches with rockier shorelines as that’s where you’re more likely to find marine life. To make the most of these beaches, you’ll definitely want to pack sturdy water shoes to protect your feet.

From the rugged terrain of Tres Trapi to hidden coves, like the Cave Pool, water shoes provide essential protection against sharp rocks and coral. They also help you grip some of the uneven surfaces you encounter at some of the beaches, such as rocky stairs. Trust me, packing water shoes for Aruba allows you to focus on enjoying the stunning coast rather than staring at your feet worrying about potential foot injuries.

3. Swim Shirt

You may be wondering, what’s a beach vacation without the opportunity to get a tan? Well, truth be told you can get a tan and still use a swim shirt or rash guard because the sun in Aruba is strong! In fact, I recommend taking a swim shirt not for just lounging at the beach, but for excursions you may take and any snorkeling you may do.

Lightweight swim shirts are designed to provide SPF protection. This means when you’re snorkeling along the shoreline you’ll have an extra layer of defense against harmful UV rays that are hard to fend off with sunscreen alone day after day. Their quick-drying fabric and breathable design makes them ideal for extended periods in the sun.

As a bonus, they come in a wide range of styles and colors, so you can find the perfect swim shirt to suit your beachside aesthetic.

Practical Accessories for Aruba

Now that we’ve talked about the sun, let’s get into the relaxing part of the trip. (It’s so much more fun to talk about the fun stuff!) To maximize your relaxation, there’s a few surprising things to bring to Aruba. They’ll bring your beach and pool time from pleasant to never wanting to leave!

4. Insulated Cup

Spending all day in the Caribbean sun is draining and can be dangerous. You need to stay hydrated and one of the best ways to do it is with an insulated cup that maintains a refreshing chilled beverage throughout the day. Best of all? Aruba’s tap water is not only safe to drink but also delicious. Bringing an insulated cup allows you to sip on refreshing Aruba water all day, for free! Good for you and good for your Aruba budget!

If you have additional space, you may want to even bring a second insulated cup to fill with fresh coconut water or your favorite tropical cocktail. Whether you mix your own cocktails or stop at a beach bar, being able to pour them into an insulated cup will keep them cool to the last drop! It’s a must-have accessory for at the beach or at the pool.

5. Collapsible Cooler or Backpack Cooler

Another way to stay refreshed? Pack a portable cooler to bring snacks and drinks to the beach. From fresh fruit and cold drinks to cheese and crackers, a collapsible cooler or backpack cooler allows you to enjoy all your favorite beach snacks without worrying about spoilage or melting.

Maybe you already have one at home ready to go, or maybe it’s worth investing in one for your trip. They come in a number of different compact and lightweight designs to make them easy to carry to the beach, and you’ll be able to relax all day at the beach with your snacks right there with you!

6. Chair Clips for Your Beach Towel

Have you heard about the ever present winds of Aruba? It’s great because it keeps the island cooler than many other beaches that bake in the sun with no relief. Unfortunately, it does mean that things like keeping your towels on chairs is a bit of a challenge.

To prevent your towels from blowing away, pack chair clips or bands that are designed to secure your towels (and other beach items) in place. These lightweight clips let you enjoy the wind without running after your towels, hats, or other belongings down the beach on windy days. They are simple, light weight, and effective. Just do yourself a favor and back a few!

7. Reusable Straws

Another item Aruba has slowly been banning is single use plastics. While you might find certain items still available plastic straws are out! As such, you’re only going to find paper straws and other sorts of reusables straws around the island.

If you are like me and enjoy drinking an ice cold drink through a straw, (I’m envisioning a Pina Colada here) pack silicone or metal reusable straws. They’re lightweight and easy to pack and carry but help avoid the hassle of drinking frozen drinks without a straw or facing the “limp straw” after 5 minutes.

Beach Relaxation

Alright, so we’re protected from the sun and we’re now hydrated and fed with all of the modern conveniences… what other surprising things should you pack for Aruba? Well, we also want to ensure we are relaxed and enjoying this beautiful island! Here are my three favorite beach items for Aruba.

8. Blow-Up Pool Floats

You could be lounging on a beach chair or you could be lounging on a pool float on the amazing Caribbean waters! I personally would choose on the water, but to do so, you’re going to need to pack a float! (Yes, you can buy pool floats in Aruba at stores like Superfoods, the main grocery on the island, but they will be a fraction of the price if you just buy them at home and pack them.)

My favorite are the inflatable hammock-style floats. These are compact and easy to pack and don’t take a ton of air to blow them up. This means you can quickly go from the beach to the water. Plus, many hotels offer complimentary inflation services at their activity centers. You don’t even have to do that work of blowing up the float in some cases!

9. Pool Float Anchors

Let’s revisit the wind in Aruba that we talked about above with the towel clips… now with floats, you have one key responsibility: don’t let the float get away! This means both with you on it and floating away in the ocean or simply blowing away and out to sea where now there is plastic in the ocean.

So how do you get uninterrupted relaxation? Float anchors. They were new to me too, but float anchors literally keep inflatable floats securely in place. No more constant readjusting of your position to stay in one spot and avoid floating down the beach. Float anchors solve this problem by anchoring your float to the ocean floor. You’ll still drift gently with the currents but you won’t have to worry about floating out to sea.

Now, I know no one wants to carry excess weight in their luggage, so how do you pack float anchors? Well, you buy ones that you fill with sand when you arrive. Then, when you leave, you just empty them out and roll it back up. Easy-peasy!

10. Snorkel Mask

A can’t miss adventure in Aruba is snorkeling. Pair the clear water with the abundant marine life, and you can’t help but want to get in the water and see what’s living under the surface! There are amazing snorkeling excursions available, but you can also pack your own snorkel mask for Aruba. This will allow you to snorkel anywhere, anytime for free!

I highly recommend going with either a snorkel and mask combo or a full face snorkel mask and leaving the fins at home – simply due to space constraints in luggage. If you are not a strong swimmer, you may want to pack the fins or bring a snorkel vest of some kind to keep you safer while snorkeling.

Pro Tip: Don’t miss the opportunity to snorkel with turtles in Aruba at Tres Trapi!

Safety Measures

Last but not least, let’s talk about safety in Aruba. The island is extremely safe, but there are a few security items you may want to pack for Aruba so that you can let your guard down a bit and truly relax without concern.

11. Lockable Tote Bag

Want to go for a walk on the beach or a swim in the ocean without worrying about leaving your things on the beach? There’s a hack for that – lockable tote bags and smaller pouches, like from Vaultz. Not only can you close and lock the bag, but you can then attach it to a palapa or something if you want to ensure it doesn’t walk off.

While Aruba is known for its safety, it’s always wise to exercise caution and prevent opportunistic incidents. A lockable tote bag provides added security for your belongings. This allows you to relax and enjoy your beach day without worrying about theft or loss. Another alternative is of course to not take valuables to the beach!

12. Waterproof Phone Case or Fanny Pack

Even if you’re leaving most valuables in the room, chances are you’re going to at minimum have your phone, some money, and your key on you. Another option to keep these items safe is to take them into the water with you! That’s right, you can keep your valuables safe and dry with a waterproof phone case or fanny pack.

You can go about enjoying your water-based activities (of which there are many in Aruba) without worrying about your belongings getting wet or stolen. Use it on the beach, at the pool, or even on excursions like Jolly Pirates!

Have additional questions or recommendations about what to pack for Aruba?

Let us know in the comments!

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